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Electricity in India: Powering Homes or Revving Engines?

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After, China & USA, India sits as the world's third-largest electricity producer, boasting a total installed capacity of 417 GW…

The Need for Sustainable Transportation In India

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Replacing the conventional transportation system with a sustainable one needs a holistic approach and mandates serious efforts on the part…

Rising Digitization to Redefine Indian Logistics & Transportation Industry

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While logistics and supply chain have always been the backbone for any country’s growth, the Covid-19 pandemic has emphasized their…

Agricultural Supply Chain: Will 2020 be a game changer?

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The Gross value added by Indian agricultural and related industries is estimated to be ˜US$ 276 Bn in FY20 –…

Electric Vehicles: Ushering in a New Automotive Era

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India, the world’s fourth-largest automobile market, is on the cusp of transformation to a cleaner and more sustainable mobility option…